ATC Eclipse, based out of our Agawam MA office, is made up of professional storage tank personnel who provide compliance, consulting and management solutions to storage tank owners and operators throughout the country.

Compliance Management
Compliance management through ATC Eclipse frees up your time to focus on general business affairs as compliance analyst and specialist ensure all federal and state requirements are being met at all your storage tank facilities.

Inspection Management
The best way to ensure compliance is being met at your facilities is through an on-site inspection. Inspection management gets professionals on your site on a periodic basis to review important documents, test and inspect equipment and train the attendants on site to ensure the are knowledgeable and aware of their responsibilities.

Facility Remote Monitoring
Instead of traveling to each site, facility remote monitoring creates clear visibility of tank inventories, alarm conditions and past fuel delievery records.

Testing & Field Services
We have a national infrastructure of highly qualified and trained technicians to help meet on-site compliance maintenance, testing, equipment repair and upgrade needs.

Construction Management
Through our construction and engineering management we provide installation, removal, upgrade, modification and maintenance project management and support.

Employee Training
Train all your employees virtually through any internet connected computer. Customize a web-based training course specific to your company policies or develop and schedule live group training sessions put on by our experienced staff.

Electronic document warehousing not only makes it easy to view all current compliance documents for a specific site, but provides a place to retrieve those documents when lost or needed.