Your petroleum construction projects require a great deal of thought, planning, equipment and materials selection, management and expert experience to deliver project that meet all your expectations.
Typically this means hiring multiple contractors and vendors who may not achieve the level of professionalism and integration of activities to give you superior results. Often, your expectations are not met, from meeting budget KPIs, timeline schedules, and quality assurances. Not to mention the headaches and aggravations that comes with all of this.
The solution?
ATC Eclipse Construction Management Services can oversee and execute ALL phases of your project.
Construction Management has been designed by ATC Eclipse for single source contracting and management for any combination of construction services at single or multiple facilities.
The key element is the assignment of a program manager to be the single point of contact throughout the program. The program manager will oversee and execute all phases of the program, including site surveys, project design, site specific scopes of work, specification of equipment, oversight and execution of fuel system upgrades and installations.
The objective of the program manager is to provide a premium level of service through consistent, streamlined contract management, and a clear and effective line of communication.
Subcontractor selection and management is critical to program success. To ensure control, the program managers have developed long-term relationships with a number of qualified subcontractors, who can meet our stringent requirements and have proven track records. Subcontractors are selected based on the following criteria:
- PEI and/or State Tank Contractor’s Association Membership
- Petroleum Equipment Training and Certifications
- OSHA Safety Training and Certifications
- Experience in Similar Projects
- Tank Licenses and Installer Certifications
- Insurance and Bonding Limits
- Personnel and Equipment Resources
- Qualifications of Essential Personnel
- Company Safety Policy and Record
- References
At a minimum, our services provided shall include the following:
1. Preliminary Site/Plan Review
- Review preliminary plans for completeness/accuracy and conformance to required standards.
- Conduct initial site visit to verify existing conditions and identify potential deviations due to local regulatory and code requirements. This includes meeting with the Client's designated representative to review the project and confirm local operational requirements.
2. Permit Process
- Process permit applications. This includes reviewing the permit, drawing comments and revisions.
- Conduct any surveys, soil compaction tests, soil borings, or other tests and analysis required by the permitting authorities.
3. Bid Documents/Budget
- Prepare contract/bid documents and forward to Client for review and approval prior to releasing to bid.
- Prepare and submit budget price to the Client for approval prior to proceeding.
4. Bid Solicitation/Subcontract
- Solicit bids from approved and qualified subcontractors per ATC Eclipse and Client requirements.
- Coordination of pre-bid inspections with bidders and Client local Facility Manager.
- Receive and analyze the bids for correctness and adherence to the specifications. This includes value engineering analysis of the feasibility of materials, methods and other construction factors relating to cost.
- Prepare the construction contract and develop a schedule.
- Selection of subcontractors to be made by ATC Eclipse based on price, qualifications, and ability of the subcontract to perform the work in accordance with the schedule and other requirements (i.e. Client requirements).
5. Construction Administration
- Conduct preconstruction meeting with the Client on-site representative and the successful bidder to review the project scope/schedule.
- Coordinate the contractor’s activities to minimize the impact on local operations.
- Review the work-in-progress to verify compliance with contract specifications and schedule. Review change orders for accuracy and pricing.
- Provide interpretations and resolutions to issues that arise.
- Review and approve product samples, shop drawings, or other submittals
- Conduct final inspection of the project and develop a “punch list”
- Review of closeout document submittal for completeness and conformance with Client standards. This includes a formal package of all written and photographic records generated during critical path inspections.
6. Field Trips/Inspections
- Preliminary site inspection
- Preconstruction meeting
- Inspections of critical stages of installation
- Off-loading, setting, anchoring and backfilling of new tank
- Piping/electrical conduit and tank top equipment prior to backfilling
- Closeout inspection/punch-list