ECS Eclipse News

UST Operator Training - HELP!

June 6, 2012 (comments: 0)

The 2005 Energy Act required that each state adopt regulations for Operator Training and with the deadline looming (August 8, 2012 for most states) owners/operators are asking questions.

  • Who has to get trained?
  • How do I get trained?
  • What do I do now that I am trained?
  • How does this affect the operation of my facility?

Most states have amended their UST regulations to include operator training and provide answers to these questions.  These states have published their regulations as well as guidance to better understand the regulations on their UST Program websites. 

But what if your state has not passed regulations, how do you answer these questions?  For states that have not passed regulations regarding Operator Training the owner/operator is not required to comply with the 2005 Energy Act requirement for Operator training until his/her state has passed regulations.  

Can the EPA hold your facility in non-compliance if you have not provided operator training to your employees because your state has not passed regulations yet?

No.  As the EPA has left the implementation and enforcement of Operator Training to the state.  Therefore, if your state has not passed regulations on Operator Training come the August 8th deadline, your facility will not be held in non-compliance for not obtaining training. 

To see where your state stands on Operator Training Regulations, please reference the map below.


- Victoria DiBacco, Compliance Analyst

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