ECS Eclipse News

Rhode Island Single-Walled UST systems Removal Deadline

February 17, 2012 (comments: 0)

Owners or of a single-walled UST system in Rhode Island, should be aware that a deadline for permanent closure of these systems may apply to their facility, depending on date of install.

This deadline applies to single-walled tanks and piping installed before May 8, 1985.  The most recent Rhode Island Underground Storage Tank Regulations, which were effective on April 21, 2011, actually extended the mandatory closure date by two years, to December 22, 2017.  (Previously, in regulations effective August 2007, the deadline was December 22, 2015.)

The 2011 regulations state:

Mandatory Deadline for Permanent Closure of Single-Walled UST Systems (Tanks and/or Piping): Except as provided in Rule 8.01, all existing tank and piping systems without secondary containment shall be permanently closed as follows:

(A) Single-walled tanks and/or piping installed prior to May 8, 1985 shall be permanently closed by December 22, 2017.

(B) Single-walled tanks and/or piping installed between May 8, 1985 and July 20, 1992 shall be permanently closed within thirty-two (32) years of the date of installation.

The exemption mentioned above (in Rule 8.01) refers to systems that store heating oil that is consumed on site for heating purposes.   As stated in the rule, single-walled tanks and piping installed after May 8, 1985, must be permanently closed within 32 years from install date.  

In order to permanently close a UST, the required steps of the regulations must be followed, which include submitting a closure application and application fees.  Generally, “permanent closure” will mean removal of the UST.   However, in certain instances, the agency may approve closure in place, rather than removal.  In order to get approval, an owner or operator would need to show that specific circumstances at the location would make the excavation involved with removal a poor choice.  For instance, if removal would compromise the integrity of a building or could negatively impact a sensitive environmental area, then the DEM may determine closure in place is the better option.

To read the full rule about the deadline for closure of single-walled systems, 8.04 of the UST regulations, follow this link:


- Megan Kazmierczak, Senior Compliance Manager

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