January 12, 2012 (comments: 0)
Daily Inventory Reconciliation
Did you know that the Ohio Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulations (BUSTR) effective earlier this year eliminated the requirement for monthly inventory reconciliation for UST systems? That’s right, the rule effective May 16, 2011 - O.A.C. 1307:7-9-07 - states that daily inventory control with monthly reconciliation is no longer required.
Post Tags
- 24/7
- alarms
- ATG monitoring
- August 8 2012
- Automatic tank gauge
- buying a convenience store
- Buying Station
- Cleanup Fund
- Cleanup Program
- Compliance
- compliance audits
- Connecticut
- construction
- credit card
- CT
- Decommissioning
- Dispensers
- Double Wall piping
- Draft UST Regulations
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- Fuel Spill
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- Gas Station
- Gas Station Inspections
- gas station tanks
- Identity Theft
- Independent Oil Marketers Association
- Inspection
- inspections
- interstitial monitoring
- inventory reconciliation
- MA
- manways
- Massachusetts
- MA UST Regulations
- NH UST Regulations
- Notice of Violations
- NOV's
- Ohio
- Operator Training
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- permanent tank closure
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- secondary containment
- Selling a convenience store
- Selling Station
- sensors
- Shear Valve
- single wall tanks
- Single wall ust closure
- Spill Bucket
- Stage II
- Stage II Decommissioning
- Stage II Vapor Recovery
- State Fund
- State Regulations
- storage tanks
- SW Closure
- tank regulations
- Tightness Testing
- underground piping
- underground storage tank
- Underground Storage Tank Regulations
- underground storage tanks
- UST's
- UST Compliance
- UST Inspections
- UST Operator Training
- UST paperwork
- UST Regulations
- UST removals
- UST Rules
- UST Training